Example for simple function with two parameters in matlab
%Let us discuss the function with two paramaters with simple example %We know the formula for the volume of a cone is p*(1/3)*r^2*h conevolmain.m clc; clear all; radius = input('Enter the radus of the cone:'); height = input('Enter the height of the cone:'); cv=conevol(radius,height); fprintf('Volume of the cone with radius %.1f \n and with height %.1f', radius,height); fprintf('\n is: %.2f'\n,cv); conevol.m function out=conevol(radius,height) out=(pi/3)*radius^2*height; end output: Enter the radus of the cone:5.6 Enter the height of the cone:6 Volume of the cone with radius 5.6 and with height 6.0 is: 197.04