To find the PSNR Value for the denoised image

%Let me explain with an example.
%To the input image Iimg applied the 'Salt & Pepper noise' with the noise ratio of 20% and named as 'Nimg'.
%Now for the 'Nimg' i applied median filter and named as Mimg.
%Now i need to find the 'Peak signal noise ratio' PSNR comparison between Mimg and Nimg.

clear all
close all
Iimg =imread('Moon.tif');
[r c]=size( Iimg  );
d=ndims( Iimg  );
if d == 3
     Iimg  =rgb2gray( Iimg  );
Iimg =double( Iimg  );
Iimg = Iimg  /225;
Nimg=imnoise( Iimg   ,'salt & pepper',0.2);
Mimg =medfilt2( Nimg ,[5 5]);
imshow( Mimg  );

fprintf('\n\n###  The PSNR value  ###\n\n')

PSNR( Nimg , Mimg  );

subplot(1,2,1);imshow(Nimg);title('Noised image');
subplot(1,2,2);imshow(Mimg);title('Denoised image');



###  The PSNR value  ###

PSNR = +11.21 dB


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